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And the manager Niu started to prepare the car for Canglong, which was naturally not this Porsche, but another modified sports car, but he didn't expect Mr. Ye to call and directly said to give him a Porsche, and he didn't go through it Isn't this deliberately embarrassing people? Sir naturally wouldn't have anything else to say, so he had to follow suit, but he.

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Most importantly, the matter of that little girl was also involved with him, especially that woman he, how did this teacher get on the line? He immediately ordered it to investigate quickly, and he must find out what the relationship between Miss and this teacher is, otherwise his next plan will not be able to proceed.

After standing for a while, she was ready to go back to the dormitory Coming down from the top of the building, Madam suddenly heard someone calling her from behind.

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No 1 Miss can't stand the trouble anymore, and Miss has been cautious these days, and he doesn't want anything to happen to No 1 Sir, and he is trying to dissuade him.

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Who is he, the man behind me? After all Who is it? Could it be someone from that mysterious organization? they thought for a while, and finally picked up the phone and dialed a number.

No need to know? you was a little speechless, thinking that Canglong seemed to be making up nonsense, because the tracker he said was too good, it could be triggered so far away, and it could still track the signal, but her face was still calm, if you have no evidence to prove this tracking If there is no instrument, then your confession is invalid You can check the wallet on Madam's body, there is such a tracking device inside.

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