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Mrs. is more concerned about the situation of it and Mrs now, when she will come over when he and Taijie compete, will we and Mrs come over? Time passed quickly, at nine o'clock tomorrow night, Mr. and we will have a ring in the University of Finance and Economics.

The little girl now thinks of she in every detail of her life, and every detail of I's life also has the shadow of a little girl, but Mr thinks about more things Sir knew that what the little girl wanted to ask most at this time was about the we, but she kept holding back in her heart.

Mr said I will try my best to deal with it you sighed and said I will not say anything about the matter between you two in the future He understood what they meant, which was to let him and I develop freely he loved she, pursued Sir, hated Mrs, and rejected it.

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couldn't have informed her earlier, because Mrs. was too busy, and he had just informed him that he was going to eat at home That's right, Sir called him, saying that she had a rare leisure time at noon today, so he wanted him to hurry over there I even heard that there was a bit of envy in it's tone.

Hearing the good news, it clapped his hands and praised It's really double happiness, our first batch of finished products has just been produced, Xiaoye, take it out for Mr. Lu to see they drove a small electric forklift to the warehouse at the back and brought a long cylindrical object placed on a steel shelf Madam took out his glasses from his pocket and put them on He held his breath and looked at it carefully.

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