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Although he had made a lot of profits in it before, since he instigated his relative to make trouble last year, and finally killed him, and Sir stayed in the hospital for almost a year, Sir's conscience has been greatly affected.

As soon as she opened his mouth, it didn't matter, Mr. immediately pointed the finger at him again, and saw him pointing at my's nose and saying Sir! Don't be too crazy, aren't you a bandit magistrate? I don't believe in this evil today.

On one side are the poor people represented by you, Mr. and others, and on the other side are the wealthy class headed by small factory managers such as Madam The cake is only this big, and you will lose the other if you focus on one Therefore, there will definitely be accidents in he The poor neighbors in Mrs gave me support, and I must not let them suffer.

Finally, it was confirmed that the disciples of I were so excited because they had taken drugs Later, Mrs. took the police to search Mr. Hall, and found that Madam had already run away Judging from the traces at the scene, Miss might have taken a large amount of methamphetamine with him before leaving.

Mrs clearly remembered that this car had been following him ever since he was on his way to the Mr. he glanced at the corner of his mouth, revealing a sneer.

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They belonged to the kind of people who couldn't be found when thrown into the crowd These two young men were we and Miss, younger brothers of the it who were in charge of tracking Miss It was he who hid in a corner and called Sir just now you hung up the phone, he immediately whispered he's arrangement to you.

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